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You can look at it two ways, the Wii U has a lot of demand that is repressed by the higher price, and it will perk up by a 1/3 or 1/2 once its $250, or there isn't that much demand and price cuts won't help much. The latter is probably a 40m trajectory, the former is maybe a 70-80m trajectory. The middle is most likely, that's what happened with PS3, it perked up with price cuts but it just never had the demand of PS2, or anywhere near it. 

Presumably, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, 3D Mario, and the Wii ___ series sequels will have some kind of push. Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and RPGS would be interesting on the system too.

I personally lean to like 10m Japan / 50m US & Europe / 10m all others but it's early yet.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu