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So I just beat Life of Pixel with 97%. While pretty good and entertaining going through each console, I wish it had more variety in both gameplay and in monsters.

For the most part the same monster types are in the entire game. The double jump mechanic doesn't work on moving or destructing floors but thankfully they designed the levels around that. On one level, slanted floors automatically pushed you to the right regardless of slope direction. You could jump through dirt on certain levels. And that lag I mentioned in an earlier post is due to bad coding, the longer you play the slower the game becomes. To fix you have to close out and restart the game. Must be something to do with memory.

With that said, the levels were fun and short and the occasional up side down button worked really well. A little old school nostalgia kept me going along with the challenge of the levels. Not a bad game to pick up for $2 but not a must have. I wish the devs luck in finishing those 2 vita titles.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(