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contestgamer said:

Marriage IS a religious institution. You saying to argue without mentoning religion is like asking me to argue why the sky is blue without mentioning qny colors.


Marriage IS A religious institution!

Marriage in a church, mosque etc, yes. On board boats, before a judge, not so. Marriage is not something religions have the sole and supreme rights over, and that's a good thing.

OT: Why the hell should I be allowed to judge and decide who gets married and not? Its none of my business and doesn't affect my life in the slightest. What about people who marry their dogs together, marry manga figures, sex dolls and even statues, marry several people? Now that is weird, perhaps people who are offended by certain types of marriage should adress bullshit like that before they attack gay marriage.

I happen to know a lot of gay people, they're just people like everyone else and they fall in love like everyone else. If they want to get married, let them. This topic is like racism; born out of fear and ignorance. I seriously doubt that anyone opposed to gay marriage has ever spent any meaningful time with a single gay person.