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Andrespetmonkey said:
Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

It certainly didn't end slavery or pedophilia. 

Of course it did Andre :)

Oh, my apologies. So because a Christian institution was against slavery, slavery didn't happen when christianity became dominant in Europe. I guess the Atlantic slave trade is a total myth then. 

I think you didn't mention pedophilia for obvious reasons... and ironically you linked me to a Catholic institution.  

You'd have to be very naive to think it stopped homosexuality among leaders and generals. All it stopped is it being publicly known. 

Good enough for me lol :P

"quite a few problems" is a vast understatement, but don't interpret that as a bash against christianity, I recognise that the actual religious guidance/philosophy isn't strictly at fault. Corrupted leaders as you mention, for example, are a big part of it. 

I agree

You need to make your posts more clear, so I can see what was your post and what was mine. I didnt even see what you said until i read the page again

Oh, my apologies. So because a Christian institution was against slavery, slavery didn't happen when christianity became dominant in Europe. I guess the Atlantic slave trade is a total myth then. 

You didnt really read the whole page, did you? Atlantic Slave Trade had little to do with Europe. The slaves were caught / sold by Africans to Americans on West/Northern African soil and were shipped to American continent to work for colonialists. Christianty had little to no influence in North/Western Africa and couldnt stop slavery there. Atlantic slave trade was out of Roman catholic jurdistiction. And slavery in America was absolutely nothing like the one In Ancient Europe before Christianity. Slaves back then had it a lot worse. What I said was that Christianity ended slavery in Roman Empire and mainland Europe, or has at least decreased it almost completly. Let me copy paste some points from the article that point towards that


Then comes the New Testament era. Indeed, long before the U.S. experience, the Roman Catholic Church was an anti-slavery leader, and essentially ended slavery in Europe "before the middle of the fourteenth century," says Francis Hargrave [1721-1841], in Somerset vStewart, 20 Howell's State Trials 1; 98 Eng Rep 499 (KB, 1772), pp 33-34 (1772). See also the Catholic Encyclopedia, "Slavery and Christianity."
  • 441 A.D. (censuring slavers)
  • 549 A.D. (church buildings as refuges for escaping slaves)
  • 566 A.D. (excommunication-of-slavers proviso)
  • 583 A.D. (church issuance of freedom papers)
  • 585 A.D. (use church property to free slaves)
  • 595 A.D. (freeing entrants to monastic life)
  • 616 A.D. (liberty restoration proviso)
  • 625 A.D. (ban new slaves, use church property to free current slaves)
  • 666 A.D. (ban shaving slaves)
  • 844 A.D. (use church property to free slaves)
  • 922 A.D. (defines slave-trade as homicide)
  • 1102 A.D. (ban slave trade)
And theres waay more where this came from :) You can clearly see that Christian Church had a lot to do with ending slavery in Christian Europe. And we should thnak God and his apostles that it was brought to our continent. It did waay more good than bad :) 
As for wasnt brought there by Christianity, nor it was a christian problem. If pedophilia was actually supported by christian message and The Bible then you'd have a point. Even so, pedophilia among catholics is a farily new thing and its still very rare. It was a non issue before because priests were allowed to have wives before. So its more of a corrupted priest's problem that they cant contain thier lust than Christian, really.