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Wander_ said:
fedfed said:
just a quick reminder

5th January 2013 first week after Xmas for WiiU release year = 135k sold for a total of 2,4 mil
6th January 2007 first week after Xmas from PS3 release date = 136k sold for a total of 1,4mil
7th January 2006 first week after Xmas after the XBox360 release = 117k sold and 1,3 mil in total

Was that flop? Did Sony or MS do something quick and massive to change that?

Plus a minor difference: Nintendo has the 3DS in beast mode and Wii and DS keep bringing profit in... not everything feels doomed from Nintendo to me... any comment???

I am happy to have a Wii U selling on pair of XB360 and PS3!

Guy's we already know about that Stop rubbing it in our faces. Plus the ps3 was $250 more expensive and didn't have any huge game like Mario the money maker.

Well it doesn t matter and actually you just mentioned two things that can be in favour for Wii U for time to come.

I am just saying that it looks fine to me... as I am thinking that PS3 and XB360 did a great job!

And it is not rubbing in the face is just making a point on why WIiU is doomed and a flop and the other two are not! The answer is time.... and only after 5/6 years we able to say so!


Can we not wait at least a year before all this non senses on Wiiu?
