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Based on home console sales history, the mass market price is around $300 USD.

According to all the gaming forum sales analysts, PS4 will be much more powerful than the WiiU. Naturally, the price will be higher.

Even the WiiU is selling at a loss, PS4 will follow suit.

Gaming forum sales analysts also suggested that Sony can't take a beating in loss per unit like PS3 did and should be no higher than $50 loss at launch.

That's conflicting, PS4 must be much more powerful than WiiU but at the same time cannot launch at massive price.

On top that, there's the doom and gloom of console gaming due to tablet, iphone, etc.

And then there's also the problem of, PS3 is good enough, for many people. Our gaming forum sales analysts also expected PS3 to drop its price further to boost sales and to beat the Wii's lifetime World wide.

Naturally, we would end up with a lack luster in sales and expecting an official pricecut.

Will Sony delay the pricecut like they did PSV? Will that be too late, like the PSV?