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Ok I feel obligated now to pick up Sly 4 simply on the merit of their efforts to entice consumers. $40 price tag, Cross Buy with Vita, Dual Screen interactivity with both versions. It is such a steal for that price. Heck, that was the main reason I picked up PASBR.

Really hoping they put out a bigger Memory card sometime soon. 32GB is not big enough for all the games I am hoarding :D. Just deleted Uncharted GA to make way for Smart As(Plat'd UGA, YAY!!!).

I am a tad fearful for Vita's future now that Pokemon XY has been announced, but Vita's offering have been really good for me from start till now. With Killzone Mercs, Soul Sacrifice, Muramasa,and Tearaway all probably coming this year it should be a good year. I just need more JRPGs in my portable life :D




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)