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S.T.A.G.E. said:
osed125 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

3) Miyamoto already admitted they will never create a hardcore character for older audiences. He said himself that he would never create a character or a game he cannot play while on the couch with his family.

4) Sony kind of destroyed Nintendos relationship with Konami and Square by offering them new tech to expand upon and their relationship got better as the years and Nintendo fell behind getting secondary games.

Nintendo have the exclusivity of Dragon Quest and other games mostly on the handheld department, that shows their relation is definitely good. Konami is another story though.

That means very little to people in the west. Hopefully Japan supports those games. Nintendo is secondary to western developers, Square Enix and Konami alike. Its not a bad thing for them to make games for the handhelds because they are made timely and its less costly. Less risk compared to a full game being that the profit margin is larger and the cost to develop is cheaper.

Konami is irrelevant to be honest, but hey if Nintendo floated them a few bucks to bring back the Contra series, sure why not. 

Square-Enix and Nintendo have a healthy relationship these days. Just offer it ... a joint RPG with Nintendo and Square-Enix characters would likely be a bigger seller than any of Square-Enix's franchises period (mainline DQ or FF included). You're talking about a probable 10+ million seller worldwide, not to mention a very clever way to introduce a lot of Western players to Dragon Quest characters in particular. 

And this is a franchise they could potentially slow roll out with new characters/worlds in different sequels (ie: save things like Animal Crossing world or Pokemon and certain FF/DQ characters for the sequels), it'd be an endless cash cow. 

Does Square-Enix want in on that gravy train or not? I don't see them saying no. But if I'm Nintendo I make sure I get a crown jewel or two in the deal in return ... I want those FFVI and FFVII remakes. I need something back that will sell my hardware. Win-win for both sides.