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M.U.G.E.N said:
CGI-Quality said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
CGI-Quality said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

I think they regreted releasing UC3 when they did tbh. I love the game but it was definitely lacking polish. Few more months in the oven would have done it wonders..and I'm referring to the SP here.

What about the single player do you think lacked polish?

The felt a bit rushed and all over the place. The relationship between drake and elena...drakes past. I didn't feel they did as good of a job as UC2 story wise. Especially towards the end I felt it was a bit too rushed. Especially the whole incident with Marlowe. But the biggest issue was ...Talbot

check this vid out he points out the problems much better

Eh, I highly disagree, but I know I'm on VGC, where I'm in the minority when I say that both Drake's Fortune and Drake's Deception had better stories than Among Thieves. They were more personal, made me care for the characters more. Among Thieves just felt like a very well made Summer flick, which was nothing short of spectacular I might add, but didn't hold my attention like either of the other two.

Guess we have to agree to disagree bud. For the record I think the 'story' of UC3 was great ...but poorly told. If I had to rank the series now based on SP, it would be

UC2 > UC GA > UC3 > UC1

OK I can understand UC2 being highest, but GA above 1 and 2!?  I bought a Vita and that game was a big part, but it just wasn't nearly as good as console ones.  I could understand lowering the resolutions to put it on Vita, but there were no setpieces.  If I played it for over an hour it felt like a drag.  I've platinumed all 3 Uncharteds on consoles and play through them about once a year, but GA I will never go back to.  How can you even compare its SP to the 3 console ones?  Unless of course you're doing the whole "What it did on Vita is impressive because it was on Vita"

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