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SvennoJ said:
Michael-5 said:

For perscription use, I think anything is fine. If Exstacy helps anxious people open up, then make it a perscription for anxious or shy people.

For recreational use, it's easily abbused. I know tons of people who took exstacy and kept taking it, with higher and higher doses, and then moved on to harder drugs. Like you said it hits you less hard if you take it too frequently.

To be honest, it's really not the exstacy that bothers me. There are some side effects, but like you said if you drink lots of fluids and prepare for it you will be fine. Some people like yourself who take it once in a while, I don't see harm in. It's the people who take it regularly which I worry for.

What really bugs me about exstacy is the stuff they add to it. Viagra, Speed, Meth, Codene. Different colour pills do different things.

"With the right information attached" lol! Prescription substance abuse is just as big of a problem, if not bigger, then restricted substance abuse here in Canada. People will abuse exstacy, and that's the problem. People who become alcoholics, or addicted to drugs, don't do it recreationally, or just ocassionally. They do it to get f***ed, and that's why we ban drugs. Hell if people were careful, they would all take heroine in balloons, and be careful to the exact disage, but they don't. Exstacy is less extreme, but still dangerous to many (not all).

The only analogy I could make to this is speeding. Maybe 5% of the population is capable of travelling 200km/h without issue, but the other 95% are not. We make laws for everyone, not just the few who are capable of controlling themselves. How do we judge if your capable of controlling yourself? Do we give you a psych test before you fill a prescription like we do for gun licences? That doesn't catch everyone.

I dunno how much you know about weed, but you can buy yourself something called a vaporizer. It's essentially a pot with a plastic bag on top. Anyhow, you vaporize the thc in the weed, and you get about twice as high without all the negatives of smoke. You're just inhaling humid air with weed in it.

I agree with you about Holland.

BTW I took a few classes in law, and I learned a really good reason why weed is banned. Laws are passed based on morals, and it's very difficult to pass a law which debans a banned substance. This is because people are trained to believe that this substance is bad. However if enough people vote for it, laws can be changed. The issue is, the bulk of out population are becoming senior citizens, and these people did not grow up with weed being acceptable like it is now. I bet in time, weed will become legal. It's already decriminalized in many countries/US states. That's a start.

The added stuff you get is because it is made illegal. Because it is illegal there is no research to make the drug safer, no studies on its long term effect and you get all kinds of shitty versions on the street. You won't root out all the bad stuff (there is still moonshine to this day) but at least 99% of people that are going to try it can get a clean version.

People that abuse drugs will find a way to do it anyway, you can always sniff glue or huff gasoline. With taxation on legal drugs you can offer these people help. Although I realize that's probably wishful thinking, how much tax money from the sale of alcohol goes to free alcohol rehab clinics? Safer versions and actual research into drug effects is a good first step anyway.

Speeding is not a good analogy really. Speeding is a direct danger to other people for the 95% that can't drive safely at 200 kph. Beside that, there are legal alternatives if you desire to race. Why not have legal alternatives to experience drugs with other people in a controlled environment.

I've heard about vaporizers but since I moved to Canada I've not used anymore. I wish they had them back when I using small amounts regularly to help me get my sleeping pattern under control. (The docter recommended me sleeping pills, no thanks)
I wouldn't mind using marijuana again now and then for recreational purposes but I'm not willing to use illegal means for that.

It's quite an interesting read how Marijuana was banned in the first place.
It adresses all these topics which helped make marijuana illegal

  • Racism
  • Fear
  • Protection of Corporate Profits
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
  • Personal Career Advancement and Greed

Similar reasons can be found for other drugs.

But yes nowadays it's hard to reverse that decision as people have been told for years that it is bad and immoral.
In Holland it's actually going in the opposite direction atm, people fed up with drug tourism want it made illegal. The weed pass plan has been axed so far but many people in Holland would have you believe the streets are filled with stoned zombie tourists.
Smarts shops (mushrooms) have been made illegal already since a suicide while under influence. A knee jerk reaction, I don't see alcohol getting banned when people drink themselves to death or kill others while driving drunk.

Anyway teenageres will continue to be curious, simply banning stuff will only drive them to try out new unknown or riskier alternatives. Better research and education will be more helpful in the long run.


I agree, made legal excstacy would be cleaner and better for consumers, and I think it's still used for prescriptions for people with severe anxiety. What stops this from happening are the premise laws are based on, morals. If we legalized exsctacy we're saying it's okay to take those pills. It might be safe for ocassional use, but most won't use it for ocassional use.

So instead of saying it's okay, the idea is to band and eliminate this substance completly. In Reality that doesn't happen, but it does deter many, and damages those who take the risks more.

Okay, for Speeding, lets say you desgnate an HOV lane for those who are capable of going 200km/h, so you don't affect others. While some people are capable to control themselves, most are not.

It's kind of ironic how Alcholol is so dangerous, but it's "safer" then weed, despite being abusing alcohol and drinking and driving. At least highs leave your system relatively fast compared to alcohol. It's amaing how much people can misconceptualize drugs.

I don't know too much about Exstacy, but I'm pretty against all sythetic pills. I don't even take tylonol when I have a headache. I know natural isn't better, but stuff like weed and alcohol have been in cultures for thousands of years, and the long term effects are known. They aren't better, but I prefer to leave the number of chamicals entering me at a minimum. I can't really avoid alcohol, but I really wish weed were legal instead.

Better research and education would definatly help. Kids should know about the adverse affects of various drugs. I really don't know the effects outside of weed and alcohol, but I do know Opium based drugs are extremely addictive, and don't even give you a good high.

I book marked that article, I'll read it later, but I recall Marijuanna became illegal because paper companies feared that hemp could be used as a cheaper source of paper, so they made rumors about people getting high on hemp, lol.

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