Wow I hadn't realized that I'm pretty young when it comes to this site. Well hello there everyone, my name is Otakumegane (nerdglasses in JP). I have to say I've been playing video games since I got my Gameboy Color and Pokemon Silver and am primarily a Nintendo/PC gamer though I am thinking about getting a PS
My favorite genres are JRPGs, SRPGs, 3D platformers, and Zelda (I do believe that it's kind of a unique genre)
My least favorite are shooters, I don't hate them and I do play Halo at friends' houses from time to time, but I just suck at instant reactions and prefer thinking and strategy over quick responses.
So I'm obviously young and am a total noob when it comes to sales, but I have a lot of friends who talk about games all the time so I have a general idea of what the "trends" in young gamers are.
I wish that the more experienced members can show me the ropes and help me become a successful contributor Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)