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Maybe Gears is the only game you care, but you are not the whole world. Gears of war 2, 3, Halo series (and halo its waaay bigger than GoW) Lost oddysey, Tales of vesperia, Forza games, etc cant be played on pc.

Not many people can spend 900 dlrs in building a new brand pc, i cant, also, i didnt need it, i just need a console to play... for the bassic homework and internet browsing, my regular laptop can handle it.

Also, not everyone knows how to build a pc, i dont, i just coneect my xbox in the tv ans play.

Not everyone have a fast internet, or even a internet conextion, so i cant download a game of 15 o 20 gigas.

So, maybe for you there is no reason, but for me i prefer a console just to play and my bassic pc for anything else.

For last, if there is NO information about a nextbox, how can you say that there ir no reason to buy it? also, if you dont like any other microsoft series or game, that only reasson its enought for not buying the xbox 720.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation