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Kasz216 said:
Michael-5 said:

A) Why shouldn't handguns be illegal? What purpose do you have for target practice with a handgun when a hundgun is banned? I don't follow your logic. If you need target practice, use a rifle.

In USA you have very few home invasions when the residents are home? When is the last time you left your front door unlocked? I have never once been in the states and been to someones house, a friend or family, to find the house unlocked. In Canada it's common to have houses unlocked, robery rates in Canada are a fraction of those in USA, and I don't blaime just guns.

B) Doesn't matter if it's not an important correlation or not, guns increase homicide rates, simple as that. There is no reason to have a handgun. Why would you need a handgun for protection when no one has a handgun? Like I said countries which ban guns completly have the lowest homicide rates by far. Singapore, Japan, South Korea all have the lowest homicide rates in the world, and guess what? Guns are banned. Countries with low gun ownership rates in countries like Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Mongolia, and Hungary ( mostly all countries in Eartern Europe and Asia....hmm..) also have very low homicide rates.

Read the papers I linked for you, I did (they are short).

B) Ok, so you clearly don't have any scientific understanding background.  A "Significant correlation" is just that... one that is significant... as in scientifically proveable.  If a correlation is not significant that means that there is no proof, and it could just be there due to background data. 

Also... Singapore does not ban guns.

A) I assume you agree with my logic here.

B) I got my degree in Astrophysics...LOL Resorting to insult is indication of an inability to conjure up a more intelligent response.

Also here are a links arguing a strong correlation between gun ownership and homicide rates:

"Indeed, states in the top 25 percent of household firearm ownership had firearm-related homicide rates that were 114 percent greater than states that had household firearm ownership in the bottom 25 percent. Overall homicide rates were a full 60 percent higher in the same states."

Singapore doesn't ban guns, but they are heavily restricted.

Again, I agree that guns aren't the only reason why homicide rates are so high in USA (but it's a big factor in states like Nevada). I took a few classes in Law and I know that most homicides are alcohol influenced. Very few are planned out in advance, and the gun massecures are usually a result of psychological disorders. I know that homicide rates are more strongly affected by literacy rates and poverty, but I still see no reason why handguns should be legal. I also think the minimum age to own a rifle should be higher, every time I think about Virginia tech, it's a tragedy.

A Rifle does everything a handgun can do, and more. Plus it's difficult to conceil, so you don't have to worry about someone shooting you publicly as much.

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