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Kasz216 said:
Michael-5 said:

A) If Handguns are illegal, why do you need a handgun for rifle target practice? Protection outside of the home? It's called pepper pray, or a non lethal taser gun. Also aren't homicide rates 3x higher during burglery for residents with guns then those without? At least that's what it is in Canada.

B) What populations is this chart based on? What does each dot represent? a population of a thousand, a million, an entire country? Where do literally, the countries with the lowest homicide rate reside? How many guns per Capita does each spot represent? I'm not nit picking, I'm being specific, Texas has one the highest homicide rate in all the US states along with Michigan, New York, and I forget the rest. They also have the highest gun ownership per capita.

As for your link, I used google, and the first article for harvard states "We found that states with higher levels of household gun ownership had higher rates of firearm homicide and overall homicide.  This relationship held for both genders and all age groups, after accounting for rates of aggravated assault, robbery, unemployment, urbanization, alcohol consumption, and resource deprivation (e.g., poverty)"

A) That's the point.  Handguns shouldn't be illegal.  Pepperpray or a taser... good luck.   As for Burglary?  No.  In the US, we actually have VERY few home invasions where residents are home.  Gun ownership prevents "hot" invasion.

B) I told you.  The charts represent countries.  As for the rest. read the graph...

As for your harvard study.. you'd note that it's not a significant correlation.


Additionally, if you study the impact of gun control laws.  You find they tend to increase homicides.  Again, read the actual papers.

A) Why shouldn't handguns be illegal? What purpose do you have for target practice with a handgun when a hundgun is banned? I don't follow your logic. If you need target practice, use a rifle.

In USA you have very few home invasions when the residents are home? When is the last time you left your front door unlocked? I have never once been in the states and been to someones house, a friend or family, to find the house unlocked. In Canada it's common to have houses unlocked, robery rates in Canada are a fraction of those in USA, and I don't blaime just guns.

B) Doesn't matter if it's not an important correlation or not, guns increase homicide rates, simple as that. There is no reason to have a handgun. Why would you need a handgun for protection when no one has a handgun? Like I said countries which ban guns completly have the lowest homicide rates by far. Singapore, Japan, South Korea all have the lowest homicide rates in the world, and guess what? Guns are banned. Countries with low gun ownership rates in countries like Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Mongolia, and Hungary ( mostly all countries in Eartern Europe and Asia....hmm..) also have very low homicide rates.

Read the papers I linked for you, I did (they are short).

Anyway, my arguement isn't to band guns, just handguns. If you want to protect your house with a gun, use a shotgun or a rifle. You don't need a conceilable handgun to do this. I believe Nevada is the state which requires you to conceil handguns in you carry them, and you know what? The Rate of Violent Crimes is nearly twice as high in Nevada then any other state. Handguns don't help anyone.

Lol, telling me to read the article. The PDF you sent me relates African Americans to high crime rates, and have you ever heard of an African American kill someone with a rifle? They use handguns. Your PDF supports my arguement LOL

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