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Kasz216 said:
Michael-5 said:
Kasz216 said:
Michael-5 said:

For the second test I'm 80% Democrat.

Question: Who is pro-gun? Who does anyone need a handgun? In Ontario, Canada Handguns, Shotguns, and Rifles are illegal, but there is a big push to ban handguns outright. This makes sense to me. If someone robs your house, a rifle is far more intimidating then a handgun. Rifles are much more difficult to conceil, making it harder to commit a crime with one, and well Hunting is uneffected. My gf is Korean, and South Korea has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world. Why? Guns are banned, almost all murders are done with a knife. It's much harder to kill with a knife, and no accidents involving children shooting each other.

A) Lots of people are pro gun.

B) There is no correlation between gun ownership and homicde rates.  In fact, there tends to be a slight negative correlation.  IE Higher ownership rates = Less homicdes.

A) Why? why do you need a handgun, does a rifle not serve the exact same purpose?

B) Compare countries, not populations. Countries with stricter gun regulations have lower homicide rates. Great example, Canada, Toronto's Homicide rate is in less then 5% of Manhattan New Yorks, despite only a 25% smaller population. It's an 8 hour drive between cities, and I have family in both cities, the culture isn't that different.

South Korea, Japan, Finland, all have heavy gun regulation and low homicide rates as well. They also serve very minimal jail sentences compared to USA and China and are all about rehabilitation.

A) Not for a lot of things no.  For example, target practice, protection outside of the home.

B) The above is comparing countries.  The difference is, the above is the data put scientifically, while you are cherry picking countries to try and make a point. 


Here is an informative harvard review.

A) If Handguns are illegal, why do you need a handgun for rifle target practice? Protection outside of the home? It's called pepper pray, or a non lethal taser gun. Also aren't homicide rates 3x higher during burglery for residents with guns then those without? At least that's what it is in Canada.

B) What populations is this chart based on? What does each dot represent? a population of a thousand, a million, an entire country? Where do literally, the countries with the lowest homicide rate reside? How many guns per Capita does each spot represent? I'm not nit picking, I'm being specific, Nevada has one the highest homicide rate in all the US states along with Michigan, New York, and I forget the rest. They also have the highest gun ownership per capita.

As for your link, I used google, and the first article for harvard states "We found that states with higher levels of household gun ownership had higher rates of firearm homicide and overall homicide.  This relationship held for both genders and all age groups, after accounting for rates of aggravated assault, robbery, unemployment, urbanization, alcohol consumption, and resource deprivation (e.g., poverty)" far every article on google I see seems to support the claim that lower gun ownership rates relate to lower homicide rates.

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