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I'm 61% Democrat and 56% Republican.....wait a second....

I'm not American, so is Obama a Democrat? In Canada we have a Liberal and Conservative party, and I believe Liberal is similar to Democrat (Down with companies, help the homeless, etc) and Conservative is similar to Republican (Big Companies -> More Jobs). I'm pretty Liberal here.

Some of those questions are just terrible though.

Wealth should be redistributed from the wealthy to the poor? Hell no, the poor need to work for their $$$. However people with more $$$ should be responsible to pay more for road repair, free public health care, and rehabilitation institutions. It's not redistribution since the money doesn't go to the poor, but the rich should be responsible for more since they can provide more.


For the second test I'm 80% Democrat.

Question: Who is pro-gun? Who does anyone need a handgun? In Ontario, Canada Handguns, Shotguns, and Rifles are illegal, but there is a big push to ban handguns outright. This makes sense to me. If someone robs your house, a rifle is far more intimidating then a handgun. Rifles are much more difficult to conceil, making it harder to commit a crime with one, and well Hunting is uneffected. My gf is Korean, and South Korea has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world. Why? Guns are banned, almost all murders are done with a knife. It's much harder to kill with a knife, and no accidents involving children shooting each other.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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