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J_Allard said:
JoeTheBro said:
J_Allard said:

The only thing "moronic" is paying for a service you admit that you think is dumb.

Your analogy doesn't really work because

a. Sony doesn't control CoD, the only franchises they can force online passes on are their own franchises, which no one cares about mostly

b. In your scenario you're still getting an online pass to a PSN network that pales in comparison to Live

c. You can pretty much always get Live deals for $35-40 for a year subscription


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that some people don't mind paying for a superior service.

I pay every year for GOLD just like I pay every week for gas. They cost way more then they should, but as long as I own a 360/car I'm practically forced to buy.

A. If what you said was true, that would actually make things worse for GOLD. However online pass is included with most non Sony games too so your point is moot. BTW everyone knows you're a 360 guy and don't enjoy first party games from Sony. There is no need to remind us in every one of your posts.

B. Live has more features to help get people into lobbies, that's true. However again lets look at the cost per game. Say I want to buy Black Ops 2 but I'm not sure which console to get it on assuming I have both. Well I can get it on PS3 for $60 or I can get it on 360 for $70 with "bonus matchmaking tools and cross-game chat." Only a fool would pay $10 extra for those features alone.

C. Alright, care to message me next time you see one? I'd much rather have it for that price since it sure isn't worth $60. My question then would be if it is so common to get it for $35-40, why do many people try and justify it at $60 when that isn't what they pay?

The problem is because this "superior" service isn't optional to any real 360 gamers. In order to fully play 80% of my 360 games I NEED to be a GOLD member. You may not mind paying for it, but you should.


Well your issue is you view it as a necessity, equal to gasoline. If paying for the service bothers you that much then you clearly don't think it's worth the price. So then why pay? PSN is archaic in comparison but it gets the job done for free, use that.

A. It doesn't matter if its included with other games. You posed a hypothetical where Sony makes CoD require an online pass and I was just letting you know CoD is a 3rd party franchise and Sony can't make them include an online pass. At best Sony can make all of their own titles have an online pass and they pretty much do already. And you seem butt hurt about my comment about people not caring much for most of those franchises. Are you saying people actually do care about Resistance 3, Twisted Metal, LBPKarting, Reality Fighters, PSASBR, The Show, etc? Sales say otherwise.

B. $70? My 360 copy of Black Ops 2 cost $60. What if I buy ten 360 titles in a year and only paid $35 for my Gold subscription? That's less than a dime a day for a vastly superior online experience. Does that meet your standard for cost? Then again you're the guy who pays $60 for Live and hates doing it so honestly I don't care about your standard.

C. Why do you need me to message you? Is your Google broken? TigerDirect had a sale that ended 3-4 days ago that had 12 months for like $37. All you have to do is look. As far as people "justifying at $60", idk what you're going on about there.

Every time this thread pops up, all the debating can be ended with one simple piece of logic. Some people find the service to be worth paying for and have no problem paying for it. You can call these people "moronic" or "fools" but if we pulled the curtain back, I am sure there would be things you pay for that others would consider "moronic". Who cares. If you don't think the service is worth it then don't pay. It's hilarious watching people put other gamers down for it though.

A. Great response but I won't waste my time disagreeing to such a well thought out and educated point. Seems you really beat me there.

B. $60 plus $3.50 is how much you paid for COD going by a per game breakdown. Glad to know you feel that way.

C. I'll be sure to remember that when I'm up for renewal. Thank you.

I wish you told me that logic instead of saying 1. people pay it, 2. I buy stupid things, 3. no one cares, it's only money, 4. take it or leave it, and 5. you enjoy watching internet fights.