ganoncrotch said:
Yea, New Vegas doesn't have me excited to play it as it should. I loved Fallout 3, not as much as you, but I got all the achievements and did all the main quests.
I probably won't pick up Singularity. If I like Bioshock and have enough room for more games (Honestly, Catherine, Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, Uncharted 3, Halo 4, InFamous 2, my list is already too much), then I'll just get Bioshock 2.
As for Mass Effect, it's a good series, but a tough one to recommend. It's really slow to start, it takes about 5 hours for ME1 to really pick up, but after that, you should get hooked. It's a pretty good series, Mass Effect 2 is one of my favorite games this gen, and each game is only 20-30 hours long so the whole trilogy will take less time to beat then FallOut 3 (For you, I beat Fo3 in 40 hours with 1550/1550).
It's worth a look at, especially since the trilogy is coming out now.
BTW, did you mention Too Human earlier? Did you like that? Mass Effect feels like a much more polished version of Too Human, and both games gave me that same meh first impression, but I ended up loving them.
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