Saw Looper last night. The blow-by-blow:
What I liked:
+ There were some really great performances all around. I especially liked Bruce Willis and the little kid on the farm.
+ The story was really interesting, in that the future version Joe wasn't a mentor for the present one but an antagonist--and while his actions were monstrous, his motives were understandable.
+ I also liked how small scale and personal the story felt throughout. I don't like sci-fi movies that get way too hung up on their sci-fi-ness.
+ The pacing was solid. Not once did I feel the story dragged too much.
+ The action scenes were amazing, heart-pumping stuff.
What I didn't like:
- The psychic abilities in the story, and how important they become, feels really tacked on. Where did the powers come from? Why didn't they appear until the future? Why did that one character's abilities so surpass everyone else's? That's one aspect of the story that needed to be fleshed out a lot more.
- The movie's vision of the future is nothing special. They were going for something more grounded, which I appreciated, but I don't feel like they would've lost much if the film had been set in the present--or further ahead in time, to where they could've done more with the setting. Most of the movie centers around technology that doesn't exist in the present anyway.
- The ending tied things up a little TOO neatly, mainly because of an implausible bloodbath at the base of Joe's boss.
All in all? I'd give it an 8/10.