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Busted said:
OceanJ said:
Busted said:

That's actually a great idea...
-Sir, i think you should lvl up your armor skill
--why? they aren't even hurting me
-But soon, stronger enemies will appear and you won't be able to fight even small groups at once
--listen, you are just a gamepad, i've been a gamer for a long time, i know what i'm doing
-Sure, like at the castle's exit where you got surrounded and died?
-Or how about the plains? where you let your partner die because you where running like a chicken
--Shut up...
-I'm connected to the wall plug, i can keep going all night


Cool so I'm not alone.  Thanks for replying.

Since actual conversations with an intelligent AI aren't in the cards right this minute,  I would settle for just a Knight Rider App that Dev's can plug into games, which either is just a voice coming from the GamePad, or the voice + image on screen, that says hilarious/helpful things as I go.  Making fun of my mistakes, dropping hints, singing praises, and asking questions allowing me to choose touch-screen answers.

Could be used in different ways for non-gaming functions / features of the Wii U, like simply reading me friend replies, or telling me that there is one to check out.

But man, just seeing that retro Kitt Voice or Hal 9000 eye on the Pad screen, talking to you through the Pad speakers as you're holding it, would give a whole new life to the controller and the Wii U.

Even the most simple thing like a voice telling you the tutorial steps would be an awesome feeling, if they can take it further than that i think it holds great possibilities.

There you go - voice tutorial, a total no-brainer!

One things clear, Nintendo is drastically under-utilizing the GamePad's speakers.  Just giving it a voice adds an entire new dimension, it makes it come alive.  

Somebody send this to Reggie or Shigeru asap.