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I wake up and I can't reply to my thread because someone locked it.

For whoever locked it, this is an OT thread, I didn't realize OT had to be about Sport and Movies only, just because you have no interest doesn't mean the 40+ replied users didn't, a lot of people have been following my last 2 months, and those threads were never locked, so geez let me vent damn it.

Who care's if it's online, what are you saying that all us users here are just a bunch of geeks who couldn't give any advice unless it was how to cure poison on Final Fantasy? Stop insulting us, some of the people you meet of a Video Game forum are some of the smartest people you'll meet in your life.

Original Thread:

Now my replies to some of you;

@Rendo, yeah those pics are us, where the hell did you get them from????

@mesoteto, LOL she hates seafood more than anything so that could work well, and I'm not wasting perfectly good pot!

@Played_out, just because you feel left out that you don't know me is no reason to take a stab at me or my online friends, 2 sides to every story, yeah that's true, but if you knew her you'd know where I'm coming from, you actually sound like you're speaking out of your ass, thinking "He's getting positive replies, I'm gonna go against the grain just so people will notice me... online".

Her parents paid for some of the furniture, but we rented where we live only because we could afford it together and when she piss's off for another man it makes the bills very difficult, I like what one of you said, 'Get her to pay for the bills she should of paid and then give back the furniture', Brilliant.

Legal action, the only time legal action has ever entered us is when she stabbed me with scissors because I wanted to watch show A whilst she wanted to watch show B, yeah she's a psycho.

Legally, she is supposed to give me 2 weeks notice for rent if she wants to piss off, AND do you really think it's fair that all utility bills accumulated whilst she was living here should be solely my responsibility now?