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Well that does it! Another successful year with YoY growth (take that console sales!) and awesome discussion.

Another shout out to BasilZero with the awesome idea of turning this into a guessing game. Really fun idea! Also, don't forget to complete and finalize your lists in the Official Thread.

Once again, I appreciate you guys for taking your time to come up with that list. I know how tough it is, but I hope you guys learned something while taking a look on what games really made you the gamer you are today. I do enjoy this site and the community here, but I do think that sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we're here in the first place: the awesome video games that made us gamers. We may have different gaming preferences and not see eye to eye on many things here, but we're all gamers with a love of video games. I can't tell you folks how refreshing it was to see this awesome discussion about our favorite games. *sniffle*

So with that said, I hope you guys had a great 2012, and here's to another great year full of (hopefully!) more great video games.