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Last night I sat and watched the Robocop trilogy. The first film is a fantastic film. The over the top violence is perfect. Cops going in guns blazing killing everyone that moved is how the world saw US policing at the time very much shoot first ask questions later. A film very much of the Reagan era.

The second was a typical seqeul. Poor story felt rushed and was generally a bit crap.

Now I come to Robocop 3. Fuck me! How can a film be so shit. Robocop with a jet pack? Fuck off! Japanese ninja cyborgs? No thank you. A little girl reprograming an ED 209 droid that just shoots the crap outta anything that moves was the worst thing ever. " Im now authorised to be loyal like a puppy. What a crock if shit. Forgot how much I hated Robocop 3