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3rd is Final Fantasy X, but I can't bother with writting about it.


2nd - Xenoblade Chronicles

To be very honset,I have never been the biggest fan of RPG's and the only ones that I contantly played was the Pokémon games, however this title has changed that. I usually expect that games that are well recieved will be seen as a dissapointmentin my thoughts (except for game that I'm uberly hyped about). I'm glad that I did so, since this game blew my expectations. In the first few hours, the game gets serious, I could not grasp of what had happened at that time, my emotions were just over all the place. This has not happened in a very long time and for that reason, I knew that this game would end up high. I will also have to say that the battle system was wonderfully done. Borrowing major elements from MMRPGS, was not something I would expected, the best part about it was that I love MMRPGS. To conclude this I will have to say that anyone that is intressted in the genre should have a go with this massicve title.

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3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David