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Edan88 said:
Gun control is only one piece of the puzzle. Education is second. Parenting is third.....more ideas are welcome.
Dangerous people will allways find a way to harm others. but at least make it difficult for them to do so.
People who say that Guns are but tools, yeah that may be true. but if you did not have a gun in the first place. they cant shoot anybody. And if it's hard to get a gun. then it will take more and more time for someone to commit the mass murder. Thus enhancing the chance of getting to that person before he does it.
Why do people need guns in the first place? Guns and bombs have but only one goal. KILLING. Only one reason needed for it to be banned. Why sell KILLING tools. it hurts the economy and the society more then it does good.

I just get so angry (these days around christmas the most) with all the stories about hate and killing.
Maybe i should just kill everybody and nobody will be in pain anymore.

Why do anti gun people throw out the same argument over and over? All you have to do is do a quick search and bam you have the highest crime rates in states that have strict gun control or guns are banned entirely. Chicago and New York boast the highest crime rates in America, know why? Thats because they have total bans on guns in their respective cities. Criminals will get their hands on guns regardless of what laws you put in place. You force law abiding citizens to hand over thier weapons which only helps the criminals out in killing innocent people. Take away the tool you still get these mass shootings from common criminal thugs.