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I reckon there's a decent chance PSV will get a MH title eventually, tbh I can't think of many Capcom games that have remained exclusive for anything. REmake and Resi Zero spring to mind, they're still exclusive to Nintendo consoles.

Either way Nintendo getting MH4 for 3DS is probably the smartest thing someone has done in Japan since Sony got FFVII for PlayStation.

Oh and to people saying the WiiU is selling poor becasue of it not keeping up with the Wii... what the hell were you expecting? The Wii was a phenomenon, next xbox in the US aside I can't see anything coming out the gates so impressively in the near future. Is the SNES a failure for not matching the NES sales?

With that being said I don't think the Japanese console market is big enough to save the WiiU's WW sales the same way it has done for the 3DS. I think Nintendo will be lucky to get 50% of the Wii sales for the WiiU in the west and a healthy 10m in Japan.

So about 20m NA + 15m EU + 10m Jap = 45m WW WiiUs when its all said and done. Would that be considered a failure?