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Chandler said:
outlawauron said:
Chandler said:
Famitsu is tracking download cards afaik, Media Create doesn't. Neither are tracking direct eShop purchases (how could they?).

Everything poor excpet 3DS. Every game below NSMB2 is doomed, because NSMB2 itself is a failure of a game that is doomed.

This is also true for every console and handheld that has digital sales and vouchers for games (i.e. every other console on the market).

I may have low expectations, but I come away impressed with PS3. I know its down YoY, but that's to be expected as it comes to the end of its life, right?

Since the successor to the PS3 hasn't been announced in any way I don't see why people should hold off from buying a PS3. The market isn't saturated at 8.8 million units sold either, as handheld numbers suggest. People claim the PS3 has just as much power as the Wii U has, it has a huge library of games and is cheaper. I don't see how the PS3 numbers are impressive under those circumstances.

That's a terrible anaology. Consoles have natural cycles and tend to have lower sales once its past its prime. This happens despite the fact it now has a giant, varied library of great games and is cheaper than all of the other new options. Saturation has little to do with it will never reach the point that the PS2 and DS reached.

Also, the PS3 is still 25,000 yen for the cheapest option, it's not likes its at some clearance pricing for a last sales push.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.