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So far I've had about 4 or 5 matches in Fight for Fortune and my feeling are mixed.


Competent core game structure

Easy enough to learn and jump in.


Going first seems overpowered. Unless I'm missing something that balances this out.

Throws "Play Golden Abyss!!" in your face way too much. A lot of your resources and fortunes straight up double if you've collected it or got the trophy for it in Golden Abyss. This is written on a crap ton of the cards as well. I'm afraid to go online as I haven't touched Golden Abyss yet.

Presentation is a bit lacking. The main menu works better with buttons than the touch screen. The general look of the cards isn't that nice (might be because I'm too used to amazing looking Magic cards, and decent looking Yugioh ones)

4 ≈ One