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Player2 said:
Cheddarchet said:

And my game for today is...

#7. Guild Wars (PC)!

Seriously, such an amazing game back in the day. Actually, I think this game has my highest playtime out of any other I've ever played. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, to be honest, but there was so much to do! I could never stop exploring the world whenever I played this game, and collecting all the skills to make different builds was a lot of fun, too. That said, don't know if I'll ever play number two. It looks really good, but I sunk A Lot of time into this, and there's a noticeable drop in my grades back in high school and middle school when I was playing this... -_-;

#6 Hint: Famous RPG series makes its only outing on the GC.

If it isn't Final Fantasy CC, then Tales of Symphonia.

or phantasy star online ep1/2 .... or Paper mario the thousand year door :D there was a lotta rpg's with one outting on the GC but my vote would still be on FF:CC given their previous games!

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