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my 9-5

9 Super Mario World 2 Yoshis Island - I'll be honest when the first Mario world game came out I was far more a fan of a certain blue hedgehog at the time but the sequel... my god when images of it's almost handdrawn look started to appear in gaming magazines I was just sold to it instantly, and given that you didn't technically play with Mario it got through my horrid Sega fanboyness at the time. This is one of those games that every new device I get my hands on modified I make sure I have an emulator for it :D killing me atm not able to find a SNES emulator for my ngage hahaha. but yeah this game... good enough to turn a man Nintendo :o

8 Rhythm Heaven - Bar none one of the funniest, best sounding just all round great rhythm games on the DS or any other system, so many of the games in this that I've medaled with my eyes closed just because you can play them solely to the sound they are just out of this world. From the guys who brought us Wario ware too btw! so if you liked that check this out or it's japan only gba game if you're into that sort of thing!

7 Lylat wars - or... star fox64 if you're in the states, really loved the original on the snes and this game was just breathtaking at the time for some of the stages graphics, even Corneria just as you swoop along the water and have your perfect reflection in the water, also have this 100%'d on the 3ds.... which... annoyed the snot outta me, the 3ds has a cool title screen where you can use the gyro to move around the ARwing but... if you complete it all you unlock the n64 full complete title screen... but you can't even move around the starfox icon and have the team follow it around!!!! it's just a still image + there is no way of getting the 3ds screen back without deleting save data :O criminal!

6. Pokemon Yellow - Loved the tv series growing up and this game followed it fairly brilliantly, have my team of lvl 100's have a surfing pikachu and an amnesia psyduck from pokemon stadium 1 :D if anyone knows how to get those you'll know tis better than most xbl achieves. but my clock stopped in it long ago at 255 hours and it's still on my desk here... I turn it on every now and then to see if its internal battery has given out yet... I will mourn on that day.

5 GTA3 - The moment that first cutscene ended.... and you're stood next to the car and you actually realize that is the game world now, that it isn't just top down anymore and you are going to murder people in glorious 3d... I think I might have creamed myself. one of those games that even after completing every single mission 10 times over you can still find yourself going back and just doing stupid shit like lowering the gravity and spawning a tank pop the turret around the back and make yourself a jet :D

Hint for my number 4 - it's where I got my forum name :o

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