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This thread will chronicle my one week love affair that I am about to have with the Green Bay Packers.  I figure that they have so many bandwaggoning fans that adore them because they have been good in recent years and have a small town nice guy image that I might as well hitch a ride on that wagon for one week.  I personally don't care for the new NFL where the star QB isn't allowed to be hit (nor the WR going over the middle for that matter) and where running the ball and playing defense is an afterthought, but I figured that I would give the poster boys for this new breed of football a shot for 7 days.  I will not go through 168 hours of this with the New England Patriots or New Orleans Saints though.  There's only so much of this type of crap an old school football fan can handle in a week.  

I know what some of you are saying to yourselves.  You're thinking; but Mr. 316, aren't you the guy that vomits every time that he sees the colors yellow and green in close proximity to each other?  Aren't you a die hard Chicago Bears fan?  Don't you still have an asterisk next to that game that the Packers "defeated" the Bears when Don Majowski threw a touchdown TD on a last second play over a yard and a half beyond the line of scrimmage?  Aren't you the guy that considers Forrest Gregg the dirtiest coach of all time?  The guy that still is disgusted by Charles Martin's "hit list" and what did to Jim McMahon.  The guy that sees red just thinking about how the greatest football player of all time, Walter "Sweetness" Payton was driven 15 yards out of bounds and over a bench by those cheeseheads?  

*take a deep breath Amp*

The answer is yes on all accounts.

So why in the world do I plan on becoming a Packers fan for one week?  Because it's in the best interest of the Bears.  You see, the Bears need to defeat the Lions on Sunday and the Packers need to defeat the Vikings in order for the Bears to make the playoffs.  This is a bit ironic since the only time that I have ever cheered for the Packers was because of my second most hated team, the Vikings.  There is this time and the time when Brett "The Antichrist" Favre went to the Vikings.  I cheered really hard for the Pack twice a year during his stay there.  So there it is.  For one week it's Go! Pack Go! and Lombardi leaps for this guy.  The world didn't end on the 21st, but on the 23rd I started being a Packer fan (albeit for one week).  So I am going to chronicle what I do every day to prepare for the big Packers and Vikings game.

Day 1 : Sunday, December 23rd  I am having a bit of trouble getting into this rooting for the Packers thing, so I decided to stuff my face with dairy products like those in Wisconsin do and hope that it rubs off on me.  Thankfully, I like pizza and ice cream.         

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger