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catprog said:
Grey Acumen said:
Andir said:

God would have to manifest himself in front of me, answer a few questions about my being, and my life and answer them correctly. I would ask him to describe my innermost secrets. That to me is not beyond what you describe as God. He should be able to do this for whomever asks of it at their request. Not when it's convenient. In fact, right now would be good. This God should appear in my room as I type this, touch me on the shoulder and say. "Hey, I'm here." I'm still waiting even as I hit "Post"

your scenario has two possibile outcomes.

1) You refuse to admit God exists despite him actually coming down and doing everything you have just now said.

2) God proves beyond your ability to deny that he exists. You now no longer have any choice but to believe that he exists. You've given up your free will.

So basically, God gave you free will and will not take it away. You have the choice to beleive or not believe that he exists, but because he loves all of his children, he will respect that choice no matter how wrong it may be or how much trouble you're going to be giving yourself in the end. Of course, just because we respect the fact that you have free will doesn't mean the rest of us aren't going to do our best to point out where your logic is flawed in order to keep you from doing something that you'll end up regretting.

God isn't a Genie. He created us, and so he has no need to hop around catering to our whims. The idea that him not showing up at your beck and call as being any sign of his inexistence is downright retarded.


You could still believe in something less likely (I.e you were hyponised you to see what is described).

Therefore free will is mantained.

Please read properly
Andir said:
Grey Acumen said:

your scenario has two possibile outcomes.

1) You refuse to admit God exists despite him actually coming down and doing everything you have just now said.

2) God proves beyond your ability to deny that he exists. You now no longer have any choice but to believe that he exists. You've given up your free will.

So basically, God gave you free will and will not take it away. You have the choice to beleive or not believe that he exists, but because he loves all of his children, he will respect that choice no matter how wrong it may be or how much trouble you're going to be giving yourself in the end. Of course, just because we respect the fact that you have free will doesn't mean the rest of us aren't going to do our best to point out where your logic is flawed in order to keep you from doing something that you'll end up regretting.

God isn't a Genie. He created us, and so he has no need to hop around catering to our whims. The idea that him not showing up at your beck and call as being any sign of his inexistence is downright retarded.


There you go again, degrading me and putting yourself on a higher platform. If it's not calling me immature, it's because I have some sort of brain defect. I see a pattern emerging here. There MUST be something wrong with me because I refuse to believe what cannot be proven.

And your argument goes back to the cop out counterpoint that God exists and is all powerful, but since we are merely pawns in some greater scheme, we are beneath him and must just accept. For refusing to accept that we are meaningless sheep is denying the word of God. What a depressing viewpoint. "Just accept it because I say so, and you can't change it." "I don't need to prove that I exist because I said so." Or, how would I phrase it... "Your wants and needs don't matter, because I am the only on e here that matters. Just live with it, and get me my bacon bitches!"


Edit: also... I would argue that I'm not giving up my free will. I would still have the choice to follow his word and be accepted into the club when I die... So that argument could quickly be nullified.


Hey, I calls em as I sees em. If you, as a child, refused to believe your parents loved you unless they gave you a cookie, I would consider you to have a brain defect.

You seem to think that just because there is something greater than us that will always be out of our reach, that it's meaningless. One of the arguably most simple yet fun games ever invented is Tetris, and theoretically, the game could have no upper limit, you keep on striving to achieve a higher and higher level, and there is no limit to how much you can achieve. God exists because he is that ever increasing infinite upper level for us to strive towards. No matter how great we become or how much we learn in the universe there will ALWAYS be more to learn, better ways to understand things, there is no limit to how high of a level we can achieve.

I dunno, maybe you look at an infinite number of things to learn as being too difficult for you or something, but I see it as no matter how much I learn and achieve, there will always be something left for me to do, there will never be a point at which I have to stop growing.



Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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