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For the doubters ...

And here's a different shot with my tag on the green sheet ...

The 20gb is on the shelf - the 40gb is down on the floor. I need to go box it up - a customer is swinging by to look at it. Wish me the best!

Nice set-up! Though now you only have 1 PS3 ;-p Hope you got a good price for it!

Where did you put your Wii? I can see the controllers on the floor(along with Wii Sports), but no console?

I'm also curious as to where your tv is in this setup? to the side?


Thanks ... it's rather cluttered and junky right now. I need to just dedicate a weekend to getting all that crap organized. The Wii is on the floor by the TV.

I'll give you some perspective in this pic:

The PS3 is where my PS2 was. I need to seriously clean up the cable spaghetti.

@ Pooper - thanks for the advice.

@ Wiiforever - are you talking about the vents on the front and back? They have room - but the sides are tight. I may just put the system selector - beside the PS3 - on top of the HD DVD player on the left of the rack.