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not put anything here for a bit, damn Xmas being busy :D been... "fixing" a bunch of wiis to give to my familys who don't own one as a gift. nothing says Merry Xmas like a wii with a tiny 500gb hdd on it.

But yeah highlight games from the past weeks stuff

My 28 Tumblepop in the arcades, this was such a great game by data east. if you have mame handy and you've never heard of this I defo advice you give it a look, and it's not too unfair for an arcade game, Have finished it many times on a single credit fairly good value for money when you were a kid :D

27 Mario 3d land, absolutely perfection in portable 3d mario... 100%'d it all I can really say for anyone else who's done it, that toad on the last stage.. standing on the block waiting for you to jump on him.... I don't think I've ever wanted to kill a friendly character so much in my life.

25 The first Bioshock - My god this game was one of the first which I played on my 42in hd tv and wow such a great atmosphere throughout, I love heart clenching moments when you are just left alone in the dark waiting for something to kill you, sometimes this game just scared you to the point where you'd accept death over the pain of waiting for whatever it was that wanted you dead to just come and do the deed.

21 Gran Turismo 1 - First time getting my hands on this gem was on a rented out psx which didn't actually come with a memory card so for a whole weekend we played it and didn't power off the system, such a great game the start of "the real driving simulator"

20 Secret of Evermore - Mana's lesser known slightly weirder cousin, Great magic system in this game tho instead of having mp like most Square rpgs you have resources like crystals, clay, water and roots and different combos create different spells, so you needed to be careful using up acid rains on monsters since you'd have no water left for cures! great Snes rpg, finished it recently on my psp. holds up perfectly.

16 Forza 3 - one of my 1000 pt games on my 360 :D so much polish in this game, it's just got so much to do inside the cars before you bring them out onto any of the games beautiful courses, imo better than 4.... even tho 4's Bugatti Veyrons Air brake is animated outta the back of the car!

14 Elite Beat Agents - If you own a DS and you've not played this then... do! get some decent headphones and rattle off one of the best rhythm games you'll ever play, should point out, if you are one to get into games or go for the highest possible score maybe don't play this on your newest 3DSxl or so :D it does tend to punish the touchscreen a lot. Amazing music covers in this tho, some of this games covers have more playcounts in my itunes than their originals haha.

11 Tony Hawks pro Skater 3 - I can't stand skateboarding, stood on a mates board once and almost lost my jaw bouncing off the ground, But the tony hawks games... they are glorious imo THPS3 is the peak of just pure perfection, great mechanics for the skating and it was just before the explosion of Jackass all over the series which ruined it, This is my 2nd highest GC game on the list and much like the one that's yet to come, I can finish this game fully with 1hand :D (was looking for ways to give mates playing it an advantage one day and found I could still play just fine)

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