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Player2 said:
Scoobes said:

Mr Khan's on a role:

11: This game is the second highest new entry to my list and was the first game to introduce multiplayer to its series.

Extra hint: It has a controversial ending... (this should give it away).

 Mass Effect 3- Player2

10: An ambitious RPG that was 5+ years in the making but has a controversial sequel that did away with a lot of what made the original so enjoyable.

Extra Hint: This games was the origin of a new franchise.

9: This game has been re-released multiple times and spawned numerous spinoffs.

Extra Hint: Not all the spinoffs are video games.


8: This game introduced a new and popular Nintendo character.

Extra Hint: The main characters are on holiday when the Princess gets kidnapped, and they meet this character for the first time.

Super Mario World- Mr Khan

7: "Make me feel alive again!"

Extra Hint: Main character's name is David.

6: I did not steal your sweetroll! Why do you have a limp?

Extra Hint: The guy(s) with the limp started a whole new internet meme.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim- Mr Khan

5: This game featured Yvonne Strahovski on the box art.

Extra Hint: This game was criticised for removing RPG elements that were present in the original game.

3: "I never asked for this"... but I can punch through walls now!

Extra Hint: There are 3 games in the series. This is the most recent game and is a prequel.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution- Mr Khan

1: Look at my previous posts. In my first ever VGChartz post I sing its praises. It shouldn't be that difficult to figure out!

Extra Hint: The guy that made Epic Mickey lead the team that made this game.

Deus Ex- Mr Khan

10 - Dragon's Age: Origins.

5 - Mass Effect 2.
