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Aielyn said:
zarx said:
Again you realise that THQ is broke right?

I've kind of moved on, which is why I haven't responded, but I thought I'd respond to this part, anyway.

THQ is broke now. It wasn't yet broke when they made the decision. THQ decided it was important to publish Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune for Wii U, but felt that Metro: Last Light wasn't worth porting?

Mind you, I don't actually think it's a problem in terms of result, I think it's a massive failure of forethought. Being on the system close to launch with a franchise that has otherwise been struggling would have been a boon for THQ. The Wii U is a fresh market, with little competition on it. Releasing Metro: Last Light on the 360 and PS3 means that it's up against the whole back-catalogue of FPSes and survival horror games, including numerous FPS survival horror titles.

It has been my assertion from the beginning that the problem is THQ's thought process, not this particular game.

Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune  aren't complex AAA games so they are much cheaper to port, also they are exactly the kind of game that was highly profitable for the Wii so it makes sense to greenlight those kinds of games. Darksiders 2 would have been a better example for your arguement. To which I would have countered that the similaraties to Zelda probably made the exects they could capatalise on the lack of a Zelda game at launch, also Metro wouldn't be in the launch window. 

Metro is not a strougling franchise tho, the first game far exeeded expectations and became a million seller on just PC, and was profitable within a few months of launch thanks to low costs with next to no advertising. It was so successful that THQ are making Last Light one of their tentpole releases with a substantial marketing campaign (lots of live action trailers already and the game is months away) and green lit a PS3 version after they canceled the PS3 version of the first game. VGChartz just sucks at tracking anything outside the USA and Japan.

THQ has been in financial trouble since last year.

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