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timmah said:
Runa216 said:
timmah said:

Yes, let's dissuade people from the teachings of Jesus. It would be terrible if we started loving other people as much as ourselves, not killing people, not loving Money more than God (not being greedy), giving to the poor, helping our neighbor, turning the other cheek (meaning not returning an insult with another insult), caring for the sick, accepting those society casts out as undesirable, or any of the other crazy things He told us to do. What would this world be like? It just sounds awful! Why, my church might go to a 3rd world country to build another orphanage next year if that was taught! Or we might continue our program to help local families in financial distress (without even preaching to them) through offerings and a non-profit thrift store we run with volunteers, that would be terrible! God forbid, we might even FUND THAT ORPHANAGE WE BUILT!! Oh no!

you are aware that despite your claims that religion teaches generosity and love, that's certainly not the only thing people use it for. That, and you really don't NEED religion to be generous or kind.  Outside of religious debates, I'm quite an agreeable person, and arguably one of the most generous, helpful people you will ever meet, and I do all of that without the aid of some mythological father figure pointing a disapproving ethereal finger at me.  

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.  the faulty assumption that correleation between two variables implies that one causes the other. Just becuase some people who believe in God erect orphanages and donate to causes doesn't mean they do it becuase they believe in god. Just like people who judge others based on race, sexuality, or gender aren't doing it becuase God told them so, but they certainly seem to think that's the case and they get away with it becuase of religious freedom.  

Misuse of a teaching does not mean the teaching is the problem. Using the same logic, I could say that in spite of claims that a kitchen knife is designed to cut food, that's certainly not the only thing people use it for', it's not a logical argument against religion, only against some who mis-represent their faith. That means the individuals who are mis-representing those teachings are the problem, and I have a huge problem with that as well. In my view, TRUE Christianity follows the teachings of Jesus, which would be in part what I outlined above, as well as not judging anybody, period. The way I view it, if God has forgiven me for all of my faults, then who am I to judge others, or even say that God is going to judge somebody else... it's just not my place. That being said, where do the societal norms on generosity, love (not the emotion, but the action of caring for somebody without expecting anything back), etc. come from? Your sense of right and wrong most likely has a lot to do with your upbringing and culture, which no doubt can trace it's roots back to some kind of religious teaching.

How is it a misuse of teaching?  If you're going to be 100% devout and follow the book to th eletter, it's an offense punishable by death to have anal sex, or to eat crab, or to wear clothes of fabric hewn of more than one type of fabric.  Just becuase YOU chose to only follow the good stuff doesn't mean that's all there is, and as much as I'd prefer if all religious people were like you, that's just not the case and honestly you're being just as bad at 'misuse' as they are, even though your misuse is in the right direction.  

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