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Andir said:

Fair enough, but what is the motivation? If God somehow orchestrated the stars and molecules to put humans on Earth, what is the purpose to make it known that he exists... as some would say the Bible was written to carry on the teachings and why does God need preachers and churches to carry that word?

The Bible sounds to me like a well written piece of marketting that does it's job well. It sells people on the idea that there is a force in the universe that doesn't control you, doesn't make itself evident, and wants you to follow a specific set of rules out of trust that someday you will go on to live a better existance. So, great... why not just live your life whatever way you can/will instead of preaching this to everyone else? Why must priests and churches exist to spread the word of God if it's a non-binding contract (ie: no ill effects)? Why can't you believe that God exists without having to go to church every sunday and praise him? Why pray? If God is all knowing and knows what is best, why request a change in your life? If God controls your existance and created you for a purpose, why defy that purpose by changing your life to praise him unless that's his purpose... if this is the case... why does God need praise? Why does God need anything from us unless he himself is/was a human and has/had needs?

If your wondering where I'm going with this, I think (as I've alluded to) that God is a human creation used to control people and explain the unknown. That's it. Without proof to such a being, there's no point in preaching these beliefs unless you seek to change the way someone else lives and thus fight the will of any God that did create us and fight his purpose for putting us here.

Why is it that everyone who argues against the existance of God seems incapable of understanding that just because God is ALL POWERFUL does not mean that God is somehow incapable of refraining from using that power to force people to do things. This view is only held by those who are inherently weak. When you KNOW you have power, power that is yours and can never be taken away from you, there is NO NEED TO ABUSE IT. People who abuse power do it almost ALWAYS out of a lack of intelligence, out of fear of losing their power, or because the extent of their power is actually very limited in scope.

God knows how the universe works, and he created humans with free will. If he did all the work for them, it would be pointless, he's god, he's all powerful, he already knows that he can succeed. The point comes from watching and guiding an imperfect being towards perfection. He knows all the rules, these rules are really tough to learn and remember, so in order to make sure it sticks, sometimes it's gotta be learned the hard way, but the right answer has to be kept out there and constantly available so people can have that choice available to make.

why do math teachers inevidably insist on teaching us that 2 + 2 = 4? Because that's teh right answer, sure, there may be a bunch of jackasses that try to get you to believe it's 3. There may be other people who confuse teh issue by telling you it's 20/5ths, but it still boils down to the fact that they tell you it because that's teh answer.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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