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pezus said:

tbone51 said:
I hope DS passes PS2 Soon numbers should be close VGchartz list ds has 10k more. (IF PS2 is really undertracked) DS will get more sales following weeks so either way ds should(if not already) pass ps2 sales by end of next year at most.

Also to note ps2 been out longer by a few years. So by timeframe DS is the Surperior one IMO

Does it get more official than this?
"We haven't been actively (i.e on a weekly basis) tracking PS2 sales since things switched earlier this year so yes, the PS2 numbers are now outdated and a few million below where they should be. William has clearly jumped the gun and posted the article without checking first."
That's all well and good, but that's like claiming PS3 is ahead of 360 because it reached 70m in a shorter time. It's not ahead, but it got there quicker. There's a difference.

Thanks i never so this before, I just went wit everyone's word, I still believe DS will surpass PS2 if Nintendo doesn't discontinue (i dont think they will) maybe in the next year.

Also in a timeframe yes ds surpass ps2 everyone should know that lol.