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Mazty said:

When you come across a difficult question in an exam do you just reply "Yesh man I've already answered this, go see my other paper"?

Please answer specifically what I have asked you. You may say that Gordon not speaking is to help the game be immersive, but then shouldn't the people also act as if you are not speaking instead of creating a pathetic romance? A woman will not fall for a mute in the space of 15 minutes.  Having something as rediuclous as that should break immserion, not aid it. You have avoided answering that directly. 

Looking at just Half Life 2, nothing more, nothing less, ~70% is completely devoid of storyline. That's from the link you gave that gives a breakdown of the game. You can't just say "nah man there's like more to it because I say so" - that shit doesn't fly. You can remove a large majority of the game and you won't be missing out on the storyline, or were the links your provided incorrect? 

Having the main female lead an AI in Halo: CE when you are a Rambo character is far more mature then shoe-horning in a pathetic romance that is completely out of place. The fact she is an AI make no difference. Just an AI as in not some romantic partner. Sexist? How PC are you?!

What are you on about letting "others make my mind up for myself"?? I asked what the game is like, they explain, I then conclude the story is atrocious and therefore will give it a pass...I'm sorry that I have friends whose opinions I value...I even had the alternate ending explained and it's still crap. There should be a "Congratulations, the galaxy is dead" ending. In fact a happy ending should be near impossible, if not just flat out impossible, to achieve, but I digress.

Lol, you really are funny. I'd hate to have you setting exam questions. It'd be the same 3 questions, each repeated 10 times with slightly different wording. I dread to think what the mark scheme would be! Probably something along the lines of "You disagree with me... FAIL!"

Please go back and read through my posts. Or maybe your reading comprehension needs some work

@ bolded

Considering the high regard you gave the previous games I'd assume you could form your own opinion after actually playing it. It's also possible to get a "Congratulations, the galaxy is dead ending"... I did it accidentally and was quite annoyed when it happened! And I wouldn't say any of the endings are particularly happy. Only one of them even hints that Shephard remains alive.