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happydolphin said:
dsgrue3 said:

Reported for what, exactly? It isn't as if I were cursing at you in a derogatory way merely using it to display my frustration with your question.

The animal kingdom doesn't need to fathom the atom in order for its existence to be observed. Everything we observe is evidence for the atom. It makes up everything, the fundamental building block. There can be observation without knowledge. The Sun was certainly observed before we knew it was a star. Come're grasping at straws here.

And as can be argued about God. Everything he created is evidence for him. The complexity, the immensity.

When we dive into that level of logic, the door is open, whether in a naturalistic mindset or in a metaphysical one.

But to say that something only exists if there is evidence for it, then there are many places on earth that the eye has not seen. By that logic these places simply do not exist.

You reported him and got him banned becuase he got frustrated with your hilarious lack of justification for your viewpoint?  Wow dude, just wow.  Grow a pair and learn to be a bit more civil and well-spoken in the first place and peopel won't lose their temper with you. 

No wonder why I keep getting banned: people like you reporting becuase your feelings get hurt over something that wasn't even directed at you.  Yet another case of religious people unable to handle criticism and crying to the bosses.  

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