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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

Wow hold on there. Entering a thread with "negativity" is not even close to trolling or being a trouble maker. Shattering the illusion that a lot of people may hold is just giving some people a much needed reality check. The issue there is that a group of people may have bonded together under some equally held misbelief. Look at the Dreamcast crew back in the day who warped it in "best console evar".

In fact I encourage people to cause debate if there is room for it otherwise you are mollycoddling incorrectly held beliefs that will just help to produce socially akward people who do not know how to deal with being wrong. 

I hope you realize though that there is a difference in proactivity between a person who bashes another user and a person who gives constructive criticism.

You get the feeling that some people just go into threads to shit on other people, and nobody learns how to deal with being wrong that way imho. Also, it diverts away from the constructive nature of exchanging ideas.

Well shitting on other people is clearly trolling as it shouldn't have any truth to it. But what happens when it does have truth to it? Ban someone because the truth hurts? It's a very thin line to tread between trolling and pandering to the community as a whole. I've seen it first hand on IGN where people on mass argue utter bullshit and the mods ban people for arguing back. Sure, I know this isn't IGN, but the value of a post should be determined by if it is a legitimate, relevant point and if it is polite. If it is, then it should stay.