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Mr Khan said:
Faxanadu said:
At about 32 hours, I have finally still not done too much in the game and get beaten by half the normal enemies.

I am hiding right now in this city after the tomb and scared of going out and facing the standard enemies.

The standard enemies of Eryth Sea are some of the toughest you'll face, i found. I absolutely HATED that mission where you had to go rescue that one engineer or whatever, and fight the lizards who could combo arts seal and Bind. That was the closest i came to completely giving up the game.

I must say, I did hate that doing my low-level challenge. Took me so long to do it with the damn Arts seal...

...the best thing about Eryth Sea is that you're there for so very long that it doesn't matter the level, because you'll likely gain 6-8 there anyway.


Anyway, here's the chart I'm talking about (see how it picks up the last few weeks, if someone could embed then to the post then great!):

A better view:


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.