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Mazty said:

Where is this character backstory explained by the way? If it's not in the game of HL2, it doesn't count...Why is the 7 hour war relevant? They still have complete control over the earth whether it took 7 minutes/hours/weeks/years...Two sentences to explain Breen. See the lacking story there?

How is say, Mass Effect bad? Or FFX? Or FFVII? Or Metro 2033? Or Dawn of War (most of them)? How does Kotor have a bad story? What about SotC? No storyline, but fantastic immersion...You simply ignored the majority of Mass Effect and then seemed to suggest that was relevant in some way. 

What you are failing to understand is I'm not ignoring anything about Half Life 2. I'm telling you exactly as it is - as most of the game is irrelevant travelling from points around the world with no story to go with it, this "fantastic" storyline is only about a paragraph long. 

Okay so whether you should keep or kill the Geth has nothing to do with the Reapers. Okay, your argument just lost all credibility and you are now clutching at straws. 

Life tip: If you don't speak, you aren't going to make friends, let alone have a woman develop a crush on you (even if only implied). I've said this numerous times and you've ignored it every time.

I never said ME was good because you could sleep with crew members. If you don't want to, you don't have to, but yes it is a pretty poor choice on Bioware's part to include that. 

If you think HL2 has a good story, then you must think most games have a fantastic story as HL2 has a very thin story. Just compare it to the average RPG...
Do you think Halo: CE has just as good a story as HL2? Elaborate your answer plz

Read my previous posts. The answers to all your questions are there. You choose to ignore my answers or disregard them in favour of your own view instead of actually debating the points. I've used your logic in describing HL2s story and shown its illogical to apply it to any game (or most movies and books actually). Two sentences to describe Breen? Go back to the links; there's an entire article.

I'm going to ask you a question now though (slightly off topic): Which games (in particular those before HL2) have actually dealt with female characters in a way that couldn't be construed as sexist, or playing on "nerd" fantasy? Which have done it in a less sexist way than HL2?

2 more points:

1. I don't remember the Halo story because the whole thing was forgettable for me (preferred Halo 2 but never completed it so can't comment on that either). I'm not going to go into a thread about Halo or start saying the story is bad when I don't have a very informed opinion on the topic.

2. Play Mass Effect 3. Keep or kill the Geth? Nope, doesn't matter at all! You don't have a very informed opinion on the Mass Effect universe either then

Added a spoiler tag - Kantor