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Barely over 6 mil seems kinda impossible, Nintendo would have to not bring any games next year(exception of games we do know, Luigi Mansion,AC new leaf, Fire Emblem) and no bundling and no marketing.

With all this i stated above it seems like just the 1st half of year will sell around 4mil, and thats with nintendo not trying and not counting holidays. If this continued intill the years end the worst nintendo would do is 9mil IMO. The library now is decent with major titles a new person would enjoy with a purchase of a 3DS! So if nintendo (why wouldn't it) did try how much you think there going to sell? If they put some big cards on the table they can achieve over 20mil. Over 25 mil seems impossible but as i recall DS had such a huge increase its 3rd year and sold i believe over 26-28mil units!