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Mazty; Mass Effect 1 and 2 have fairly cliched stories (when people say that ME3's story is "bad" I can only imagine the horror). The story element is by far the most overrated in that series, in my opinion. Team that up with the insane dilution of ME2's gameplay and RPG elements and you have yourself a semi-deep action game with a cliched story (boooo, ancient race awakens to wreak havoc, there is hardly a science fiction plot out there without this very direction in it).

Bioware used to tell grand stories, now they're sticking to the safe path; dumbing down gameplay, lots of sex to keep the nerds hungry and black & white "moral" systems for "depth" and "intrigue". In short; Bioware have lost their shit and games like Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 show it perfectly.