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the_dengle said:

postofficebuddy said:
Theoretically speaking Pokemon might have pushed it to 20 million but it would be crazy to release another game so close to the last release. Look at how craptastic Black/White 2 sold compared to Black/White 1. Series fatigue would start to set in and that's the absolute last thing Ninty wants happening to that franchise. I don't think they'll cut price again but after seeing how close Vita came to 3DS on Black Friday I think the possibility of a Vita price cut could really cut into 3DS sales in the west. Depending on what Sony do and how Nintendo reacts and assuming the Holiday lineup is at least moderately better next year I'd say it will sell somewhere between 13 to 15 million.

I think Black and White 2 sold as well as or better than GameFreak expected. It served its purpose, which was to freshen things up and move on from the dual release/later third game approach. Black and White 2 are selling much better than any third version in the series sans Yellow, and will likely end up around 10 million sales.

Correct Pokemon bw2 will surpass emerald and crstal next year. Also note pokemon bw1 will pasd 15 mil mark soon and HG/SS still being sold quite well