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Mazty said:

Mass Effect has a huge backstory and a vast, diverse amount of characters whilst also not having a black-and-white morality. HL2 is short and cliche. 

HL2's story is still piss small and clich regardless of how it is told. There are bad alien invaders. You are going to lead the resistance to stop them. Nope, this is HL2, not Resistance. I don't see Resistance praised for it's story....

Yes I know RF:G was released afterwards but that's beside the point. The point is the physics in HL2 was just a bit of polish and glitz - it didn't really do anything for the gameplay as a whole. The vehicles in Halo handled brillaintly. The vehicles in HL2 handled like dodgems. Either way HL2's physics is no better then praising a game for having good graphics. It's nice, but not necessary and doesn't make up for gameplay. 

What has HL2 influenced??? Almost all the exsiting FPS' of this generation have much more in common with CoD or Halo. How many games nowadays have multiple weapons and life packs? None. Almost all have iron sights and some sort of life regen, as well as quick access grenades and melee. None of that exists in HL2. Halo was nothing like HL2....In any conceivable way. 

If you praise a game for it's good story, then you either have a very charitable idea of what constitudes a good story, or are reading into something that just isn't there. I can't see how "short and cliche" can be considered good as they generally regarded as negative aspects of a story. 

We're going round in circles now and you're now asking questions that I've already answered. You're obviously ignoring what I've written.

I've already explained how the physics was implemented into the gameplay. I've already explained some of the rather substantial backstory; not all the aliens are bad (the ant lions are simply wildlife, the vortigants are refugees that become allies etc.) and there are as many species as Mass Effect has (that's also ignoring the fact that ME series are RPG where story is even more important). I've already explained how HL2 has influenced video games (including CoD from 4 onwards) and even given specific examples of devs explaining how they're taking influence from HL2. I've even explained some of the more obvious details of the story that you completely missed. Makes me wonder if you actually played the game.

Please go back and read my previous posts instead of willfully ignoring them. If you're just going to ask stuff I've already answered then there's no point in answering.

@ bolded: So two things Valve decided to not include in the game mean it's not been influential? That just means they decided not to copy others (and for PC, having multiple weapons is better; makes use of multiple shortcuts). Quick access to grenades, iron sights and quick melee were all introduced before Halo and CoD btw. Both games took them from mildly successful titles and incorporated them into their game. Only regen health was new out of the stuff you listed.