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I used to visit this website regularly a few years ago when PS3/360/Wii all launched and found it informative with worthwhile debates.  I recently came back to learn about the Wii U and rumors for the NeXBox and PS4 and have been disappointed in how immature a lot of the comments are.  I'd like to find a good video game news website that isn't full of immature boys that can't control themselves and discuss things objectively.

Just a little perspective for those of you who want to see all competition die and have Xbox rule the gaming universe.  I suggest you take a look at what Microsoft did when they eliminated Netscape and all other browser competition--once there was no competition, all innovation, R&D, and investment stopped, and they implemented there own tools to avoid web standards and make it hard for new browsers in the future to become disruptive.  When Firefox started gaining market share, there were so many websites that wouldn't display because they had been designed for IE.

As someone who's been playing video games since Pong, I will say the absolute worst thing that could happen to our hobby is for competition to cease.  And for those of you up to the challenge--take a look at what your non-favorite hardware manufacturers offer--whether it's Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo.  You may surprise yourself and find out all systems that have a degree of success provide unique ways to have fun.  And at the end of the day, it's really just about fun.