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brendude13 said:

Marks said:

Speeding kills 13,000-14,000 people should cars that go over the speed limit be banned? I mean damn they're four wheeled death machines!

Stupid idea right? But you get the point, there are good drivers and there are bad drivers. Just like there are safe, responsible, well trained gun owners and there are crazy assholes like this guy. Don't blame the car or the gun, blame the person behind the wheel/trigger. 

Plus if we get rid of every gun in the world, do you suddenly think there would be world peace? Hmm well I don't remember world peace in the 1500's...I think they killed each other with swords and arrows...

Come on dude, guns don't kill people, people kill people.

There are driving tests aren't there? If thousands of people died in car accidents because there was no such thing as a driving test and any idiot could get behind the wheel, then I'm sure something would be done about it. Don't immediately assume people want guns to be outlawed completely, some people may just want tighter restrictions.

driving tests dont look for mental stability. Instead of shooted 28 people someone with a car will run over a couple dozen in while schools are getting out.